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Your Child Suffers from Severe Vomiting?

When your child suffers from severe vomiting, the last thing that you want to do is speculate about the cause and hope it goes away. Central Florida Pediatric Urgent Care in Orlando always recommends that you acquire medicine for the vomiting child rather than try to doctor it yourself. As an after-hours pediatrics, we know firsthand what can happen when parents wait to have their child treated. That is why we encourage parents to act right away when they notice severe vomiting in their child. If you would like to learn more about the causes of severe vomiting and when you should bring in your child for treatment, contact us at Central Florida Pediatric Urgent Care today.

Causes of Severe Vomiting

Severe vomiting in and of itself is not an ailment that your child gets, but rather a symptom of another condition that may be underlying. This underlying condition can be anything and it is difficult, as a parent, to diagnose this alone. Rather, you should entrust a medical professional to do it for you and do it properly.

  • Stomach Flu: A child may acquire the stomach flu from someone else who has it or from food that has the virus in it. Either way, the virus causes vomiting in addition to nausea and diarrhea among other symptoms. Children usually get better in one to three days but may require attention to stay hydrated and reduce vomiting.
  • Food Allergy: Vomiting may actually be an indication of a food allergy and maybe just one of many symptoms that your child may have. In order to ensure
  • Food Poisoning: If your child eats something that has a particular set of germs in it, this can cause severe vomiting until the body expels the germs.
  • Intestinal Obstruction: For babies, severe vomiting may be a sign of intestinal obstruction, which requires immediate medical attention.
  • Concussion: Vomiting is actually a symptom of a concussion and occurs with a variety of other symptoms including a headache and slurred speech.
  • Medications: If your child takes a certain medication on an empty stomach, this can cause severe vomiting. To ensure their reaction is not an allergy to the medication itself, make sure to bring your child to a medical professional.

Seeking Medicine for Vomiting Child?

In order to make sure the safety of your child is not compromised, make sure to bring your child in for care immediately. Central Florida Pediatric Urgent Care can help you have your child be seen as soon as you notice something wrong. Do not wait or take your child to an emergency room where you may have to wait even longer for your child to be seen. Simply bring your child into our after-hours pediatrics and make sure they stay healthy and safe.

Contact Us

Central Florida Pediatric Urgent Care is an after-hours pediatrics that can help you get the medicine for vomiting child that you need. Contact us to learn more.